LINDSAY BREMNER is Professor of Architecture in the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia. She is an award-winning architect and has published, lectured and exhibited widely on the transformation of Johannesburg after the end of apartheid. Her published work on the city include Johannesburg: One City Colliding Worlds (2004), chapters in Johannesburg - the Elusive Metropolis (2008), The Endless City (2008), Desire Lines: Space, Memory and Identity in the Post-Apartheid City (2007), Future City (2005), Under Seige: Four African Cities. Freetown, Johannesurg, Kinshasa, Lagos (2002), blank___architecture apartheid and after (1998) and contributions to Domus, Public Culture, Social Identities and Cities. In her design work, Bremner takes on projects having a socially or culturally transformative agenda, such as her second placed entry to the Freedom Square Competition (with Mashabane Rose Architects, 2002) and the Sans Souci Cinema project in Kliptown, Soweto (with 26’10 South Architects, 2004 - 2007). The latter was awarded a special prize in Bauwelt Magazine’s First Work Competition in 2010. Bremner’s current research, Folded Ocean: Mutating Territories in the Indian Ocean World is investigating the impact of global mobility, trans-nationalism and environmental change on the human settlements of the Indian Ocean. This will be published in 2A and as a chapter in Writing post national narratives: other geographies, other times in 2011. Bremner was formerly Chair of Architecture at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. She holds a B.Arch degree from the University of Cape Town and M.Arch and DSc.Arch degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand.